2015年7月21日 星期二

Safest way to perform mysqldump on a live system with active reads and writes

All Data is InnoDB

This is what will give you an exact point-in-time snapshot of the data:
mysqldump -uuser -ppass --single-transaction --routines --triggers --all-databases > backup_db.sql
--single-transaction produces a checkpoint that allows the dump to capture all data prior to the checkpoint while receiving incoming changes. Those incoming changes do not become part of the dump. That ensures the same point-in-time for all tables.
--routines dumps all stored procedures and stored functions
--triggers dumps all triggers for each table that has them

All Data is MyISAM or Mix of InnoDB/MyISAM

You will have to impose a global read lock, perform the mysqldump, and release the global lock
mysql -uuser -ppass -Ae"FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; SELECT SLEEP(86400)" &
sleep 5
mysql -uuser -ppass -ANe"SHOW PROCESSLIST" | grep "SELECT SLEEP(86400)" > /tmp/proclist.txt
SLEEP_ID=`cat /tmp/proclist.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "KILL ${SLEEP_ID};" > /tmp/kill_sleep.sql
mysqldump -uuser -ppass --single-transaction --routines --triggers --all-databases > backup_db.sql
mysql -uuser -ppass -A < /tmp/kill_sleep.sql
Give it a Try !!!

